
June 27, 2013

Life lately...

So.. I've been thinking a lot about this blog. I'm not going to make any apologies for not keeping up with it because really who cares, it's just a blog. Buuuut I enjoy blogging so I think I am going to slightly change the direction of this. When I started this I wanted to keep it super strictly about my shop and while I love sharing the things I make and what's happening in my shop that doesn't make it very fun for me to keep up with so I think from now on I'm just going to share whatever I want and not worry about it :)
Life lately has been rough. I'm going through some pretty heavy personal changes and am doing my best to try to keep my head up and learn from this experience.
I thought I would share a few things that are making me smile and because a simple smile has been hard to come by and I really want to savor each and every one. Here are a few ways I fight depression and take care of my mental self...
Paint. I love to paint but don't do it nearly enough. These color smudges really made me feel good.
Get outside. Exploring NYC is super fun but I am a TN girl and I like the woods. Its nice to get lost in a park and discover a cool bit of art as well.
Read. Read books that are inspiring, encouraging and uplifting. If you have any recommendations for things along this line please let me know.
Treat yourself to things that make you smile. I bought this Happy Peanut Charm from Misako Mimoko's etsy shop and how can I not smile when I look at this cute little peanut!
Make stuff. I make stuff all the time but I am really putting in extra effort for my shop these days.
Those are just a few things that have been helping me though this time in my life.
What are some things that help you feel good?


  1. I love to crochet too. I do it most when I'm stressed out. It helps keep my mind off things and I feel like I'm doing something productive instead of just sitting and stewing. I also try to get outside as much as I can. Maybe it's the fresh air that helps clear my head. And usually a sweet snack lifts my spirits for a little bit :)

    1. Sweet snacks never hurt any situation ;)

  2. Leggere iul tuo blog mi ha fatto stare bene.
    grazie, mAtilda
    reading your blog made me feel good, thanks mAtilda
